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See why Pecora Corporation supports SWR Institute

See why Pecora Corporation supports SWR Institute

SWR Institute is not a large organization and we feel this is one of our main benefits. In fact, it has always been our goal not to be a large group. We focus on companies that are interested in providing quality, service and integrity to their customers… those who raise the bar in the industry. This is a nuts and bolts kind of group that provides contractors with technical information, contacts and best business practices that can be found nowhere else.

SWR Institute holds two meetings a year with a strong focus on the practical and real “hands-on” educational sessions. Typically meeting attendees are comprised of 60% contractors, 20% senior level manufacturer representatives and 20% design professional. Our limited size lets us offer sessions and networking opportunities that allow for a great deal of open discussion. What really sets our meetings apart from other industry meetings is our members’ willingness to share information, not only about what went right with a project, but also what went wrong. These valuable lessons are often times only learned the hard way, through trial and error, with expensive ramifications. Contractors often say that the knowledge gained at our meetings is priceless!

Our membership being comprised of contractors, manufacturers, architects and project engineers in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry, you will be a part of an organization that knows what you do for a living.  The members become not only a ready resource for answers to any questions, but also is a source of training and fellowship that cannot be topped.  Because of the involvement of our members, not only with SWR Institute but the industry itself, you will become a part of the solution to the challenges that face us in our daily business lives.  And, time over time, this commitment to SWR Institute has paid dividends to our members through additional business, shared resources, education and fellowship.

Hear why our members keeping coming back year after year

Hear why our members keeping coming back year after year!

Benefits of membership include:

  • Practical oriented workshops, seminars and training at SWR Institute technical meetings that are held twice a year.
    • The following meeting will be our 2016 Fall Tech Meeting, Sept. 18-20, 2016 at the Sheraton Philadelphia Society Hill Hotel.
    • Our next meeting, 2017 Winter Technical Meeting, March 5-8, 2017 at the La Concho Renassance San Juan Resort in Puerto Rico. More details about this meeting will be posted on


  • Unique forums to discuss business techniques and practices designed to make your operation more cost and time effective.
  • Training materials on a complimentary basis or at reduced member rates.
  • Subscription to the Applicator, our publication that provides technical articles and news that impact our industry and your business. Plus our Applicator just became digital!    Click here to check our our latest issues of the Early Summer 16′ Issue.
  • Internal publications containing vital and pertinent information available only to members.
  • Opportunities for networking with peers both nationally and internationally… tapping into the skill and knowledge of others in a non-competitive way.
  • Helping set best practices for our industry.

Some of SWR Institute’s Past Presidents celebrating SWR Institute’s 40th Anniversary at the 16′ Winter Technical Meeting in San Diego.

SWR Institute is a very active organization. Our committees, made up of contractors, manufacturers design professionals and consultants, have developed several technical and safety manuals, two books and a two-day training video on sealants. Our volunteers have

developed validation programs that offer third party verification of the products and training programs offered to the industry.  Committees also are heavily involved in planning SWR Institute Technical Meetings, increasing membership and promoting brand awareness in the industry.

If you’re interested in learning more about our organization, contact us today! I encourage you to complete the membership application so you can start benefiting from SWR Institute membership!

SWR Institute 



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